Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Town

Released:  2010
Director:  Ben Affleck
Main Actors:  Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, John Hamm, Jeremy Renner

Overall Rating:  * * * * 
(scale is 1to 4 - 4 being the best)

Entertainment Value:  * * * *

Acting:  * * * * 

Directing:  * * * *

Predictability Factor:  * * * .5
(the higher the rating, the less predictable the movie is)

Cinematography:  * * * *

Story Line:  * * * .5

Excellent!  It had action, suspense, tragedy, humor, and even love (not too much - thank God).  I really enjoyed watching this film.  I refer to it as a film since it was everything I think a film should be. 

The camera work was brilliantly done and gave a real sense of confusion in the fight and chase scenes.  I really liked some of the angles they had on the cars.  It heightened the sense of suspense and even made me grip my seat a few times.  

I have to give it to Ben Affleck.  He did a really good job both directing and acting in this film.  Also, I have to give a shout out to the six pack shot during his work out (had to go there).   I appreciate that very much. 

The story was well done, but it was a bit predictable at the end.  I wasn't expecting Rebecca Hall's line on the phone though - that was good. 

Character development was fantastic.  As the story went on, you learned more about the characters without feeling like it was exposition.  You were pulled into their world - as you should be while watching a film.  

Favorite Scene:  Doug's monologue in the garden.  Well done yet again Mr. Affleck!

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