Saturday, March 9, 2013

Flying Monkeys

Released:  2013

(on a scale of 1 to 4)

Director:  Robert Grasmere
Writer:  Silvero Gouris
Producer:  Phillip Poole, Brad Krevoy, H. Daniel Gross
Main Actors:  Electra Avellan, Maika Monroe, Michael Papajohn, Vincent Ventresca

Directing:  *
Acting:  *
Plot:  *
Entertainment Value:  *  *
Predictability:  *

First, I just have to say:  SyFy, I love your movies even though they are horrendous.  It's like a car wreck - I can't not watch.

This is a movie about flying werewolf demon monkeys.  While flying werewolf demon monkeys is intriguing and has potential to be fabulous, it wasn't.  The Asian actors were awful (no offense against Asians, just the ones in this movie).  The directing was lacking.  The production value was cheap.

I have to admit that the monkey they had was really cute.  It made me want to go out and buy a monkey - werewolf demon or not.

They did throw in the gratuitous 'girl in bra' scene.  I suppose that is standard for B movies.

I think the writer and / or director may have been trying to make a political statement about a need to gun control.  If people used their guns and shot the monkeys, the monkeys would double.  Ohhhh evil demon guns!  (lame)

Favorite Line:  "Hey monkey breath - get off my porch."

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