Friday, September 3, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Released:  2010
Director:   Ryan Murphy
Main Actors:  Julia Roberts, Billy Crudrup

Overall Rating:  *  * 

(scale is 1 to 4 *s)

Entertainment Value:  *  * 

Acting:  *  *  *

Directing:  *  * 

Predictability Factor: 
(the higher the rating, the less predicable the movie is)

Cinematography:  *  *  *

Story Line:  *  * 

Okay, I’m generally not a big fan of romanic movies, but I’m trying to be open minded as I’m writing a review for others, not just me.  The movie was extremely predictable.  In my opinion, paying full movie price for a movie you already know is, well, a bit wasteful.

I do have to say that there were some beautiful landscapes in the movie.  The acting was good, but the story was, well, it was what you would think it would be.  The script was well written, but the overall story was not entertaining for me.  It did cause me to shed tears though.

If you like romantic movies and 'woman finds herself' stories, I would recommend this to you. 

I did see this with some wonderfully awesome friends of mine.  That made the movie experience worthwhile for sure.  (NOTE:  Michele - you rock!)

Favorite Scene:  Pizza eating, muffin top discussion

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