Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chupacabra vs. the Alamo

Released:  March 23, 2013

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Terry Ingram
Writer:  Peter Sullivan
Producer:  Keith Shaw, Kirk Shaw
Main Actors:  Erik Estrada, Nicole Munoz, Julia Benson

Directing:  *
Plot:  * * * 
Acting:  *  *  
Predictability:  *
Entertainment Value:  * * * 

Erik Estrada on a motorcycle is still kind of hot.  I had to laugh though cause of the background they used when they showed him on front views - it was so bad.  The effects in this movie were horrible, but in a way, great!  It fit with the SyFy original movie expectations.

I liked Crocket.  He was funny and they cast him well.  There were some very bad casting choices though.  Erik Estrada's kids did not at all look like him.  The actor who played his son looked asian.  The daughter was too white to be hispanic.  It just looked weird and it made me make up stories as to why he has an asian son and a white girl daughter - they were adopted.

I did find the movie somewhat entertaining.  It made me laugh and things blew up - if you read my reviews, you know I'm really into blowing up stuff - and guns, and Erik Estrada with a gun, on a motorcycle.

Favorite Quote:  "We got chupacabras up in here"

1 comment:

  1. Just watched this. I haven't seen Erik Estrada in anything in quite a while. For a guy in his 60s, he's still pretty hot.
    I had to laugh at the idea of the DEA teaming up with a bunch of gangbangers to save the city from chupacabras. And then, because nobody can shoot worth a darn, they had to blow up the Alamo in order to kill the things.
    Now that is just sacrilege.
    Yeah, the green screen shots of Estrada on the motorcycle were funny.
