Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Town

Released:  2010
Director:  Ben Affleck
Main Actors:  Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, John Hamm, Jeremy Renner

Overall Rating:  * * * * 
(scale is 1to 4 - 4 being the best)

Entertainment Value:  * * * *

Acting:  * * * * 

Directing:  * * * *

Predictability Factor:  * * * .5
(the higher the rating, the less predictable the movie is)

Cinematography:  * * * *

Story Line:  * * * .5

Excellent!  It had action, suspense, tragedy, humor, and even love (not too much - thank God).  I really enjoyed watching this film.  I refer to it as a film since it was everything I think a film should be. 

The camera work was brilliantly done and gave a real sense of confusion in the fight and chase scenes.  I really liked some of the angles they had on the cars.  It heightened the sense of suspense and even made me grip my seat a few times.  

I have to give it to Ben Affleck.  He did a really good job both directing and acting in this film.  Also, I have to give a shout out to the six pack shot during his work out (had to go there).   I appreciate that very much. 

The story was well done, but it was a bit predictable at the end.  I wasn't expecting Rebecca Hall's line on the phone though - that was good. 

Character development was fantastic.  As the story went on, you learned more about the characters without feeling like it was exposition.  You were pulled into their world - as you should be while watching a film.  

Favorite Scene:  Doug's monologue in the garden.  Well done yet again Mr. Affleck!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Released:  2010
Directors:  Michael and Peter Spierig
Main Actors:  Ethan Hawke, Willem Dafoe, Isabel Lucas, Sam Neill

Overall Rating:  *  *  *  .5
(scale is 1 to 4 - 4 being the best)

Entertainment Value:   *  *  *  *

Acting:  *  *  *  *

Directing:  *  *  *  *

Predictability Factor:  *  *  *
(the higher the rating, the less predicable the movie is)

Cinematography:  *  *  *  *

Story Line:  *  *  * 

Wow - this is right up my alley.  If you want to watch suspenseful movie, this is it.  I loved it! 

It was dark, but not too much so.   The lighting used was perfect!  Visually, this movie worked really really well for me.  Thank you Mr. Ben Nott for your awesome camera work.  Another thanks to Mr. George Liddle for his production design brilliance (he was also the production designer for Dark City).

I think the only downside to the movie was the fact that you could guess how it would end.  I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on the predictability factor, cause if it didn't end the way I thought, I would probably rate it poorly for not meeting my expectations.  Oh well, I am a woman after all and we can be hard to please at times. 

Favorite Scene:  In the wine vat - and not just because Ethan Hawke had his shirt off.  

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cop Out

Released:  2010
Director:  Kevin Smith
Main Actors:  Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan

Overall Rating:  *  .5
(scale is 1 to 4s - 4 being the best)

Entertainment Value:  *  *

Acting:  *

Directing:  *

Predictability Factor:   *  .5

Cinematography:  *

Story Line:  *  *

I hate to rate a movie so low that stars Bruce Willis, but this was a bit of a train reck.  There were some good things in it, but they were overshadowed by poor acting (not from Bruce Willis of course) and, sorry Mr. Smith, but poor directing.

Why they chose the background music they did at the points they played it was not wise.  It made me feel as if they were trying to make the movie into Beverly Hills Cop gone kiddie film.  It didn't work for me at all - I'm just saying...

The bad guy didn't seem at all right for the role (notice I don't even bother to put his name in the review).  I do think I could take him down and I'm not exactly a fighter.  It was disappointing as my suspension of disbelieve can only go so far.  The silly music wasn't helping either.

I don't recommend this movie to anyone, UNLESS you have abosultely nothing else to watch and are really wanting to see a movie.

Favorite Scene:  Beginning interrogation where Tracy Morgan pays hommage to action movies.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Release:  2010
Director:  Robert Rodriquez; Ethan Maniquis
Main Actors:  Danny Trejo, Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Steven Segal, Jeff Fahey, Michelle Rodriquez

Overall Rating:   *  *  *  .5
(scale is 1 to 4 *s)

Entertainment Value:  *  *  *  *

Acting:  *  *  *

Directing:  *  *  * .5

Predictability Factor:  *  *  *  .5
(the higher the rating, the less predicable the movie is)

Cinematography:  *  *  *  .5

Story Line:  *  *  *  .5

Aside from the blood bath that would occasionally present itself and the improbability of the chicks actually wanting Machete, it was friggin awesome.  There were brilliant moments in the film that were just classic.  It was original, which I'd expect from Mr. Rodriguez, over the top, comical, and sad.  

So... if you don't mind the gore and can suppend your disbelief in whatching Jessica Alba /  Michelle Rodriquez  /  Lindsay Lohan with Danny Trejo, then it's a MUST SEE!   

Oh, you'll also need to put aside any political issues you may have with immagration - it's only a movie.

Favorite Scene(s):  Sentor Maclaughin's TV commercials

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Expendables

Released:  2010
Director:   Sylvester Stallone
Main Actors:  Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren

Overall Rating: 
*  *  *
(scale is 1 to 4 *s)

Entertainment Value:  *  *  * .5

Acting:  *  *  *

Directing:  *  *  * 

Predictability Factor:  *  * 
(the higher the rating, the less predicable the movie is)

Cinematography:  *  *  *

Story Line:   *  *  *  .5

IMDB Link:  

I enjoyed this movie.  The entertainment value was well worth the time and money.  This is definitely a top tier action movie, which is one of my preferred categories.

I especially liked watching numberous things, including people's heads, be blown to pieces by the awesome BFG (Big F@#@ing Gun).  There were some classic lines in the movie too.  Everyone likes those.  I expect to hear some quotes from it by my friends soon.

The special effects were well done.  I had expected that since I imagine the budget for the film was supstancial (the cast alone would be a mint!).

In closing - Jason Statham, if you ever read this, which I know you won't, I will happily have your children.  ;)

Favorite Scene:  In the church - Willis and Schwarzenegger's cameos.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Released:  2010
Director:   Ryan Murphy
Main Actors:  Julia Roberts, Billy Crudrup

Overall Rating:  *  * 

(scale is 1 to 4 *s)

Entertainment Value:  *  * 

Acting:  *  *  *

Directing:  *  * 

Predictability Factor: 
(the higher the rating, the less predicable the movie is)

Cinematography:  *  *  *

Story Line:  *  * 

Okay, I’m generally not a big fan of romanic movies, but I’m trying to be open minded as I’m writing a review for others, not just me.  The movie was extremely predictable.  In my opinion, paying full movie price for a movie you already know is, well, a bit wasteful.

I do have to say that there were some beautiful landscapes in the movie.  The acting was good, but the story was, well, it was what you would think it would be.  The script was well written, but the overall story was not entertaining for me.  It did cause me to shed tears though.

If you like romantic movies and 'woman finds herself' stories, I would recommend this to you. 

I did see this with some wonderfully awesome friends of mine.  That made the movie experience worthwhile for sure.  (NOTE:  Michele - you rock!)

Favorite Scene:  Pizza eating, muffin top discussion

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Released:  2008
Director:   Kyle Newman
Main Actors:  Dan Fogler, Jay Baruchel, Kristen Bell

Overall Rating:  *  *  *  
(scale is 1 to 4 *s)

Entertainment Value:  *  *  *  *
Acting:  *  *  *
Directing:  *  *  *
Predictability Factor:  *  *  *  1/2
Cinematography:  *  *  *
Story Line:  *  *  *  1/2

Overall, definitely worth seeing.  If you're a Star Wars fan, I'd have to say it is a must see.  Even Trekkies will like it (I did - although I'm in both camps).   I have to say that the cameos, two in particular, made me very giddy. 

While I did enjoy this movie, I put it in the 'silliness' area.  Highly entertaining, creative story, but not an 'exceptional' movie.

Spoiler Alert:  Favorite scene = Trekkie Fight