Thursday, February 5, 2015

Draft Day

Released:  2014

Number of Ginger Snaps:  8 out of 10

8 out of 10 Ginger Snaps

Director:  Ivan Reitman

Writers:  Scott Rothman, Rajiv Joseph

Producers:  Ali Bell, Joe Medjuck, Ivan Reitman

Main Actors:  Kevin Costner, Jennifer Garner, Chadwick Boseman, Denis Leary

Favorite Character
Rick the Intern

Favorite Quote
Frank:  He's the son I never had.
Sonny:  Frank, you have a son.

Well, I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised I liked this movie as much as I did.  I don't really know a lot about pro football drafts and was a little unsure of what was going on in the beginning.  You'd think I would know exactly what happens with my football fanatic mother, but, well... I liked it anyway.

It was friggin hilarious!  Despite the absurdity that is American football, it was an enjoyable film.  Kevin Costner did a really good job at being a tormented soul torn between going rouge and doing the expected.  People's reactions to him were extremely funny and real.

Needless to say, if you read what I just wrote, I recommend this movie.  Especially if you want to laugh.

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