Saturday, November 15, 2014

Murder on the Home Front

Released:  2013 (TV Movie)

Number of Ginger Snaps:  7 out of 10

7 Ginger Snaps!!!
Director:  Geoffrey Sax

Writers:  David Kane, Molly Lefebure

Producer:  Christopher Hall

Main Actors:  Patrick Kennedy, Tamzin Merchant, Emerald Fennell

Favorite Scene
The Metropole - 1st Scene (I love the 1940s!!!)

Favorite Character
Molly Cooper

This was a pretty good movie as far as TV movies go.  I watched it on Netflix - mainly cause it was a murder / suspense film set in the 40s in London.  I'm obsessed with the 40s these days - and London, so...

The best part of the movie was the acting.  I was really impressed with Tamzim Merchant who played Molly.  She gave a strong performance of a curious, motivated woman, yet she portrayed fear when she needed too.  Her chemistry with Patrick Kennedy was well played too.

I do recommend this movie.  The story is a good one and the acting will keep you engaged.  I'm not rating it higher mainly due to some flaws (I think) in the editing and scripting opportunities that were missed.  They could have done a lot more with character interactions.

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