Sunday, November 16, 2014

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Released:  2013

Number of Ginger Snaps:  7 out of 10

7 Ginger Snaps!!!!

Director:  Adam McKay

Writers:  Will Ferrell, Adam McKay

Producers:  Judd Apatow, Will Ferrell, Adam McKay

Main Actors:  Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Christina Applegate, Steve Carell

Favorite Character

Favorite Quote
By the hymen of Olivia Newton John!  - Ron

Favorite Scene
The RV Flip was friggin hilarious!

OMG!!!  WTF?!?  This movie was utterly random funniness!  I laughed - a lot.  The story wasn't that great, but the brilliance in the pure randomness and wrongness of it all kept me busting out in giggles during the whole movie.

I am a fan of Will Ferrell.  I think this was actually better than the first Anchorman.  I am putting this in the top tier of my favorite Will Ferrell movies.  Granted, I did have a cocktail or two before seeing this, but it wasn't the alcohol that was laughing.  It was all me... laughing at Will Ferrell... and Paul Rudd... and Harrison Ford...

Obviously, I recommend it.  IT IS NOT FOR KIDS!!!  While it is extremely funny and involves some bathroom humor that 10 year old boys may enjoy, it contains adult jokes that really should be heard and appreciated by adults (just saying).

The fact that Harrison Ford was in it has no effect whatsoever on this rating.  Really.  It doesn't!  Seriously!  For real!         What?!!!      FINE!          HAN SOLO RULES!!!

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