Sunday, November 23, 2014


Released:  2014

Number of Ginger Snaps:  8 out of 10

8 out of 10 Ginger Snaps

Director:  Christopher Nolan

Writers:  Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan

Producers:  Christopher Nolan, Lynda Obst, Emma Thomas

Main Actors:  Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow,  Anne Hathaway

Favorite Character

Favorite Quotes
Wanna clean that up when you're finished praying to it? - Donald
No, I need to feel the air.  - Cooper

Favorite Scene
Cooper seeing the school counselors.

Well written, well acted, excellent production quality, sci fi topic... but... I got a little bored in a few places.  I'm not sure why.  The story was really good and engaging, but it lost my engagement a few times.  It was a 3 hour movie, so maybe that is why.

The pace of the movie was a little slow.  There was a lot to take in and you had to pay attention to figure out what was going on.  That is good, but maybe not the best for when you want to watch a movie to totally escape and forget about the real world and it's frustrations.  (that is what I was in the mood for)

Anyway, I do highly recommend this movie with the caveat that you are in the mood to see a 3 hour thinking movie.

FYI - I'm still thinking about it.  Relativity, gravity, inability for modern science to find a solution to the blight...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Escape Plan

Released:  2013

Number of Ginger Snaps:  5 out of 10

5 out of 10 Ginger Snaps!

Director:  Mikael Hafstrom

Writers:  Miles Chapman, Jason Keller

Producers:  Robbie Brenner, Mark Canton, Remington Chase, Randall Emmett

Main Actors:  Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel

Favorite Character
Dr. Kyrie

Favorite Quote
Doctors are men, who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, for men, of whom they know nothing at all.

Favorite Scene
Arnold drawing a 'map' for Jim Caviezel.   hehe

I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to bring these two guys back into a high action movie, but I'm questioning their sanity.  Don't get me wrong - I love action and am a fan of Syl and Arnold, but...  it worked much better in The Expendables series.  It doesn't work so well in this movie.

The dialogue was pretty bad.  The acting wasn't that commendable.  The plot was a bit too far to the unbelievable side.  Basically, I got the feeling that the two leads just wanted to do another action film, no matter how bad it may have been written.

So, I don't recommend this movie UNLESS you want to see some stuff blow up, which is always pretty good in my view.  I like gunfights and explosions.  They work well for me.  Despite that, I don't want to see this movie again.  Ever.  It's time to retire boys - sorry.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Released:  2013

Number of Ginger Snaps:  7 out of 10

7 Ginger Snaps!!!!

Director:  Adam McKay

Writers:  Will Ferrell, Adam McKay

Producers:  Judd Apatow, Will Ferrell, Adam McKay

Main Actors:  Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Christina Applegate, Steve Carell

Favorite Character

Favorite Quote
By the hymen of Olivia Newton John!  - Ron

Favorite Scene
The RV Flip was friggin hilarious!

OMG!!!  WTF?!?  This movie was utterly random funniness!  I laughed - a lot.  The story wasn't that great, but the brilliance in the pure randomness and wrongness of it all kept me busting out in giggles during the whole movie.

I am a fan of Will Ferrell.  I think this was actually better than the first Anchorman.  I am putting this in the top tier of my favorite Will Ferrell movies.  Granted, I did have a cocktail or two before seeing this, but it wasn't the alcohol that was laughing.  It was all me... laughing at Will Ferrell... and Paul Rudd... and Harrison Ford...

Obviously, I recommend it.  IT IS NOT FOR KIDS!!!  While it is extremely funny and involves some bathroom humor that 10 year old boys may enjoy, it contains adult jokes that really should be heard and appreciated by adults (just saying).

The fact that Harrison Ford was in it has no effect whatsoever on this rating.  Really.  It doesn't!  Seriously!  For real!         What?!!!      FINE!          HAN SOLO RULES!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Murder on the Home Front

Released:  2013 (TV Movie)

Number of Ginger Snaps:  7 out of 10

7 Ginger Snaps!!!
Director:  Geoffrey Sax

Writers:  David Kane, Molly Lefebure

Producer:  Christopher Hall

Main Actors:  Patrick Kennedy, Tamzin Merchant, Emerald Fennell

Favorite Scene
The Metropole - 1st Scene (I love the 1940s!!!)

Favorite Character
Molly Cooper

This was a pretty good movie as far as TV movies go.  I watched it on Netflix - mainly cause it was a murder / suspense film set in the 40s in London.  I'm obsessed with the 40s these days - and London, so...

The best part of the movie was the acting.  I was really impressed with Tamzim Merchant who played Molly.  She gave a strong performance of a curious, motivated woman, yet she portrayed fear when she needed too.  Her chemistry with Patrick Kennedy was well played too.

I do recommend this movie.  The story is a good one and the acting will keep you engaged.  I'm not rating it higher mainly due to some flaws (I think) in the editing and scripting opportunities that were missed.  They could have done a lot more with character interactions.