Monday, November 26, 2012

Battle Los Angeles

Released:  March 11, 2011

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Writer:  Chris Bertolini
Producers:  Ori Marmur, Neal H. Moritz
Main Actors:  Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez, Ramon Rodriguez

Directing:  *  * 
Acting:  *  .5
Plot:  *  *  *
Predictability:  *  *
Entertainment Value:  *  *
Writing:  *

Things blew up - lots of things - which makes this a 1 star film minimum for me.  I like things that blow up.  Especially when aliens are causing the explosions.  BUT...I was disappointed in this movie as the plot was right up my alley - and did I mention aliens made things blow up?  I had such high hopes.  Alas, they were crushed when I saw it. 

I have to admit that I bought the Blu-Ray for $1 at WalMart in their Black Friday sale.  Now I know why it was only $1.  The basis of the movie had so much potential!  The story line was actually decent, but they ruined it with badly written and acted inspirational pep talks.  Can you say "lame"?  I sure can, and did multiple times during the movie.  The first half was pretty engaging.  The second half totally lost my attention.

As you can probably gather, I don't recommend the movie.   If you just want to see things blow up, which I can relate too, then maybe catch it on TV. 

Anyone want to buy this Blu-Ray from me?  I'll sell it to you for $2.  ;)

Favorite Scene:  Where the civilian guy picks up the Marine's gun and starts firing at the aliens.  Too bad the aliens shot back.  Poor civilian guy.

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