Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Mechanic

Released:  January 2011

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Simon West
Writer:  Richard Wenk;  Lewis John Carlino
Producer:  Rene Besson;  William Chartoff;  David Winkler
Main Actors:  Jason Statham; Ben Foster; Donald Sutherland

Acting:  *  *  * 
Predictability:  *  
Directing:  *  *  * 
Entertainment Value:  *  *  * 
Plot:  *  *

Ahhhh - Jason Statham - He is such an awesome bad ass action movie guy.  And he's totally hot.  Really really really hot.  I greatly valued seeing him with his shirt off in the movie.

The actual movie was okay.  I wouldn't say it isn't worth seeing, but it's definitely not high on the list of movies you MUST see.  The pace of the movie seemed to drag a bit in certain places.  There were some really good action sequences though.  It was fantasic to see a car just drive into the back of a bus.

It was a predictable movie.  More so than it should have been.  The movie opens with a pool scene that you can fully expect the expected.  There weren't a lot of surprises.  I think it could have been better with a bit of twists here and there.

For some reason, Jason Statham and Donald Sutherland work well in movies together.  I wish Donald had a bigger role though - it was like 'The Italian Job' - he wasn't in the movie much.

If you're looking for something to watch and have seen most of the movies you want to see, pick this one up.  If you're a Jason Statham fan, SEE IT ASAP!

Favorite Scene:  The cemetery - the production design and music worked well in this.

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