Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Man with the Iron Fists

Released:  November 2, 2012

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  RZA
Writers:  RZA, Eli Roth
Producers:  Marc Abraham, Eric Newman, Eli Roth
Main Actors:  RZA, Lucy Liu, Russell Crowe

Acting:  *  * 
Production Design:  *  *  *  .5
Predictability:  *  *
Directing:  * .5
Entertainment Value:  *  *  *

Most of the time I kept thinking that Silver Lion really does act like Tim Curry in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Seriously, Silver Lion could be Dr. Frank-N-Furter!  I also kept thinking that this was a pretty decent view of Asian Steampunk.  Yeah, not really getting it. 

Quentin Tarantino "presents" this movie, but I'm not sure how.  His name is not on the list of cast and crew in imdb.  It is bloody and had scenes similar to Kill Bill.  I just have to laugh at those though.  All the flying around, blood spewing all over, 1 person taking out 50... yeah, I laughed out loud in the theater at those. 

RZA eh?  WTH is with that?  RZA??? That's not a name - that's an acronym!  Sorry, but I do NOT get people who go by acronyms.  This movie's story adds more proof that I don't get it.  The story stunk.  I'd use other verbiage here, but I'll refrain.  I was really disappointed.  The plot was just irritating to me.

The movie is actually nice to look at (not during the fight scenes of course).  The production design, by Drew Boughton, was good.  It was weird to view the brothel in the middle of wherever the heck they were, but that would be a story / directing issue. 

Favorite Scenes:  The fight scenes. 


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