Friday, February 1, 2013

Warm Bodies

Released:  Feb. 1, 2013

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Jonathan Levine
Writer:  Jonathan Levine;  Issac Marion
Producer:  David Hoberman; Todd Leiberman
Main Actors:  Nicholas Hoult; Teresa Palmer

Directing:  *  *  * 
Acting:  *  *  * 
Story Line:  *  *  *  * 
Entertainment Value:  *  *  *  
Predictability:  *  *  .5

Zombies!!!!  I liked this movie oodles.  It had zombies in it.  It was pretty funny too.  Did I mention it had zombies?

I know it's suppose to be a 'love story' type movie, but I really would have liked to have seen more zombie eating.  They didn't do much with human / zombie interaction except for R and Julie.  They could have thrown in some scenes where people were sent out looking for Julie and they run into zombies and then zombies get brains!

The voice over for most of the movie worked well for me.  It was highly amusing and I laughed out loud numerous times.  There were a little too many flashbacks though.  I think they should have gone lighter on the flashbacks and harder on the zombie violence.

Favorite Scene:  At the beginning when R was in the airport and saw his best friend.  Grunt groan grunt groan... hahhahahha

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