Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tasmanian Devils

Released:  January 2013 (SyFy)

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Zach Lipovsky
Writer:  Brook Durham
Producer:  Lindsay Moffat
Main Actors:  Danica McKellar, Kenneth Mitchell, Apolo Ohno, Mike Dopud

Directing:  *
Acting:  *  *
Plot:  *
Entertainment Value:  *  *  * 
Predictability:  *  *  *
Gore Factor:  *  *  * 

This is definitely one of the better SyFy movies that I have seen recently.  No, it's not because I was an extra in Danica McKellar's movie, Inspector Mom!  I just really appreciate her superb acting skills.

Seriously, she did do a decent job with that script.  Not exactly the most eloquent lines in the world.  I do think that her boobs varied in cleavage throughout the movie.  This is not due to me trying to look at them, it's simply focus where the director pointed attention too.  Every female forest ranger type neglects to button or zip up their shirts past the base of their bra, right?

The special affects guy must have enjoyed breaking everyone in half.  It seemed like those little devils really liked to play tug of war with bodies.  The beginning of the movie had a very graphic body dismemberment that was kind of cool.  I don't have anything to compare it to though - I mean, I haven't seen someone torn apart by demented tasmanian devils before.

I do think it was entertaining.  Keep in mind - it's a SyFy movie.  I am partial to them and, well, you know I know they aren't really Oscar worthy.

Favorie Scenes:  (I couldn't decide on one - and I've given them names)
  - The flying devil
  - Danica shows off her fire skills
  - Anderson crawls, the devil crawls

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