Monday, January 23, 2012

The Help

Released:  2011

OVERALL RATING:  *  *  *  .5
(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Tate Taylor
Writer:  Tate Taylor;  Kathryn Stockett (novel)
Main Actors:  Emma Stone;  Viola Davis
Producers:  Michael Barnathan; Chris Columbus

Acting:  * * * *
Story Line:  * * *
Directing:  * * * *
Predictability:  * * *
Entertainment Value:  * * *

This was a very moving drama.  I was engaged through the entire film and never once thought "when is this gonna be over".  The drama genre is not one I normally am into, but I am really glad I saw this movie.

So...obviously, I recommend seeing this movie.  It is moving and funny, but can be a bit sad at moments.  The acting was awesome, especially Milly, played by Octavia Spencer.  She was brilliant!  I really enjoyed her performance. 

If you have already seen this movie, you can probably guess my favorite scene - the pie scene.  I did like the scene where Minny first went to Celia's too. 

Favorite Line:  "Minny don't burn fried chicken."

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