Friday, July 22, 2011

Trust the Man

Released:  2005
Director:  Bart Freundlich
Producer:  Bart Freundlich; Sidney Kimmel; Tim Perell
Main Actors:  David Duchovny; Julianne Moore; Billy Crudup; Maggie Gyllenhaal

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Directing:  * * *
Acting:  * * * 
Story Line:  * * 
Entertainment Value:  * * *
Predictability:  * * .5

This is a bias review.  I'll state that right now.  You can choose to stop reading due to this fact, but I, of course, want you to read this in it's entirety. 

Why is it bias you ask?  Well, I am totally in love with David Duchovny and would never, ever, EVER trash anything he's done.  I just couldn't.  Don't ask me to, cause I won't. 

Another reason is that I DO NOT like certain things that take place in this movie.  It is wrong, wrong, wrong (did I mention it was wrong?) to cheat on your spouse.  I won't say anymore about it so that I don't spoil it for people that want to see it. 

I did cry a little during a scene with Tobey (Crudup) and Elaine (Gyllenhaal).  I could really identify with the emotions she was feeling.  Ahh, the ups and downs of relationships.  Speaking of, I don't recommend this movie early on in a new relationship.  Its too... well... I just don't recommend it. 

With that being said, it was an engaging movie and kept me entertained.  There were some unexpected things that happened, which was good.  I was fearing a typical story line. 

Favorite Scene:  Julianne Moore in the kitchen on her last night to eat carbs.  Been there / done that!

1 comment:

  1. My review of this movie? I know for a fact that I saw it, but I don't remember a thing about it. LOL
