Sunday, June 12, 2011

Super 8

Released:  2011

Director:  J. J. Abrams
Producers: J. J. Abrams;  Steven Spielberg
Writer:  J. J. Abrams
Main Actors:  Elle Fanning;  Kyle Chandler;  Joel Courtney

OVERALL RATING:  *  *  *  *
(on a scale of 1 to 4 with 4 being best)

Entertainment Value:  *  *  *  *
Acting:  *  *  *  *
Directing:  *  *  *  *
Predictability Factor:  *  *  *  * 
Story Line:  *  *  *  * 

My first thought about this movie is, well, brilliance.  I want to see it again!  I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of the film.  Yes, this movie has earned my reference to it as a film. 

I dreamed of making movies when I was young (and I still do).  Watching this brought me back to my childhood and the fascination and passion that comes with being young and working to make your dreams happen.  Did I mention the film was brilliant? 

And of course, there was SCI FI!!!!!!!  Yahooooweeeeee!  Those of you that know me are fully aware I'm a sci fi fan and aliens are totally cool to me.  It isn't surprising I like this film. 

I'll state the obvious - I highly recommend this movie.  You may not appreciate it as much as I do (or some of my friends that I know will love it), but it is a very good movie.  I think some defining movie making moments are going to come out of this film.  The train crash could very well become the next 'Indiana Jones running with the bolder behind him' scene.  Everyone knows it. 

Favorite Line:  "And wash your hands this time."

Favorite Character:  Cary (played by Ryan Lee)

Favorite Scene:  Duh - the train crash, but I also liked the scene in the pot head's car

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