Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Rite

Released:  2011

Main Actors:  Anthony Hopkins; Colin O'Donoghue; Alice Braga
Director:  Mikael Hafstrom
Writer:  Michael Petroni
Producers:  Beau Flynn; Tripp Vinson

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being the best)

Acting:  *  *  * 
Directing:  *  *
Predictability:  *
Story:  *  *

There were some great camera shots in this movie, but, unfortunately, they didn't make the film a "must see".  I think I could have done without seeing it.  My life would continue as is without having added this to the movie catalog in my head.

I thought about why I didn't like the movie all that much.  The acting was good and, well, come on... Anthony Hopkins?!?!  Yeah, great casting there.  Anyway, I think it's because the pace of the movie was a bit too slow.  There were so many scenes with nothing really happening except 'dramatic music' in the background. 

So, I can't say NOT to see the movie, but I do recommend A LOT of others before this one. If you want to have a day of Exorcism movies, then definitely include this one that day.

Favorite Scene:  Where Michael first meets Father Exorcist.  Lots of kittens (I like kittens).

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