Friday, August 21, 2015


Released:  2014

9 Out of 10 Ginger Snaps 

9 out of 10 ginger snaps 
Director:  David Ayer

Writer:  David Ayer

Producers:  David Ayer, Bill Block, John Lesher, Ethan Smith

Main Actors:  Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Pena

Favorite Scene
Norman's First SS Kill

Favorite Quote
"You think Hilter would fuck one of us for a chocolate bar?" - Don

Wow.  Just wow.  I've been obsessed with WWII, so this move clearly fits my current fix.  It was extremely well done.  The acting... brilliant.  The effects... brilliant.  The writing... brilliant.

I'm not sure what else to say.  It showed the ethical and moral battles that one would expect to see in war.  It also showed the turn in one's psyche after experiencing so much death and hate.  I'm not a Brad Pitt fan, but I have to admit that he was outstanding in the role.

I recommend the movie, but I suggest watching it when you are able to take a very heavy film.

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