Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Walk Among the Tombstones

Released:  2014

7 Out of 10 Ginger Snaps 

Number of Ginger Snaps:  7 of 10

Director:  Scott Frank

Writers:  Scott Frank, Lawrence Block (novel)

Producers:  Danny DeVito, Brian Oliver, Stacey Sher

Main Actors:  Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, Brian 'Astro' Bradley

Favorite Scene
In the library when Matt and TJ meet

Favorite Character
Peter Kristo

Talk about messed up killers!  This movie's murders were pretty whack.  Thankfully, the script did not include an overabundance of background into the killer's psychological state.   Unfortunately, the script did include a sidebar into the 'saving' of TJ, the poor, intelligent street kid who helps Matt.  That part of the film was not really necessary and included too much exposition about that story line.

The acting was very good.  Dan Stevens, who played Kenny, has the most intense eyes I've ever seen which really fit the role.  Gives me the chills just thinking about that stare.

The main issue I had with the movie was, as mentioned, the side story.  I don't think the film needed it.  We could have gotten Matt's background just by him talking to Peter.  The TJ character didn't add must into the plot except knowing how to use a computer (took place in 1999).  Oh well, I guess the writers and director felt a 'feel good' side story was necessary in the mostly dark movie.  They were wrong though.  Just saying...

I'd recommend the movie if you are a fan of dark mystery / thrillers.  Just fast forward through the unnecessary TJ scenes.

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