Saturday, May 3, 2014

Killing Them Softly

Released:  2012

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Andrew Dominik
Writers:  Andrew Dominik, George V. Higgins
Producers:  Dede Gardner, Anthony Katagas, Brad Pitt
Main Actors:  Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta, Scott McNairy, James Gandolfini

Directing:  *  *
Plot:  *
Acting:  *  *  .5
Predictability:  *  *  *  * (I had no idea what was going to happen)
Entertainment Value:  *

This was a weird movie.  It took awhile for it to make sense and for me to actually want to keep watching.  It did pick up once things became clear.  I wouldn't say I liked it, but by the end, I was engaged and wanted to see what happened.

I think the best part of the movie was that I didn't really know what was going to happen.  That is why I have my predictability rating a 4 - it wasn't predictable for me.  I do think the beginning was a little too unpredictable though.  It was just too random.

Things did blow up and there were fights and guns.  Always a plus for a Val review.  There was a bit too much nasty guy talk though.  Totally unnecessary.  I will never understand that - why is talking about gross sexual acts entertaining?  I don't think I want to understand it.  I just know that it is repulsive and I'd rather not hear it.

To sum up, I don't really recommend this movie.  If you're a Brad Pitt fan and want to see him looking like a sleazy, 70s pimp, then you may want to watch it.

Favorite Lines:

"He flies in, whacks the guy and flies out."
"Make him fly coach."

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