Saturday, July 13, 2013


Released:  7/11/2013

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Anthony Ferrante
Writer:  Thunder Levin
Producers:  Paul Bales, David Michael Latt
Main Actors:  Ian Ziering, Tara Reid

Directing:  *
Acting:  *
Plot Line:  * * 
Predictability:  * *
Entertainment Value:  * * 

OMG!  SyFy - score!!! Another awesomely bad movie.  LOVE IT.  It's like a train wreck - I just HAVE to watch my SyFy movies.

This one was everything I was hoping it would be.  It had no continuity in shots / editing, acting was awful, effects were laughable, and I enjoyed watching it.  Yep, nothing like seeing sharks falling from the sky to make you giggle.

I have to admit that the ending was a bit surprising.  Surprising and fabulous.  No way would that happen, but it was cool none the less.

Favorite Lines:  Why would they put a retirement home by the airport?  Maybe cause they're old.

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