Sunday, October 2, 2011

Headless Horseman

Released:  2007

OVERALL RATING:  *  *  1/2
(on a scale of 0 to 4)

Director: Anthony C. Ferrante
Writers:  Zachary Weintraub; Anthony C. Ferrante
Main Actors:  Billy Aaron Brown;  Rebecca Mozo

Directing:  *  *  *
Acting:  *  *
Plot:  *  *  *
Predictability:  *  *

Yes, this was on SyFy earlier today.  What can I say?  It entertained me.  It had the qualities I look for in horror movies - the 7 teens on their way to a party, the weird town they get stuck in, the crazy town people, and it even had a midget! 

The blood and gore were appropriate and not as bad as I was expecting.  It was low budget, and it was predictable, but it was a better viewing experience than I expected. 

I have to admit that I am really into the horror genre right now.  Maybe it is because it is October and Halloween is approaching.  Or maybe I'm about to go psycho - ya never know these days!  (insert maniacal laughter here).

Favorite Scene:  When the kids enter the freak town of Wormwood.

Favorite Quote:  "Look at his head! They took his head!  His cute little head!"

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