Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scream 4

Released:  2011
Director:  Wes Craven
Producer:  Wes Craven; Iya Labunka
Writer:  Kevin Williamson
Main Actors:  Neve Campbell; David Arquette; Courteney Cox; Hayden Panettiere; Emma Roberts

Overall Rating:  *  *  *
(scale is 1 to 4 with 4 being highest)

Entertainment Value:  * * *.5
Acting:  * * .5
Directing:  * * *
Story Line:  * *

I got to go to the movies!!!  The actual movie theater!!! I have to admit, my excitement about actually going to a movie theater to see a fairly new release may have impacted this review.  I enjoy going to the 'cinema', but it is much more expensive than watching a movie on cable or renting a DVD.  This is why a lot of my reviews aren't of shiny new, just released movies.

But that isn't why you're reading this now is it?  Let's get to what you came for, a movie review by someone you know. 

I was engaged in the entire movie, which is pretty important.  I hate being bored while watching a movie - checking the time to see how much longer it's going to be til it's over.  That is a sure sign of a 'not so good' review from me. 

The story line was funny, but really far fetched.   Not that I would expect a horror movie like Scream to stick to realism, but, well, I just can't give it above a 2 for it.  I wasn't even remotely buying it.

As far as horror movies go, I recommend this one.  It's been ages since I've seen the first three Screams.  I really wish I had seen them recently before seeing this one, but I think I enjoyed Scream 4 more than Scream 2 and 3. 

Favorite Line:  "Your lemon bars taste like ass."

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