Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bond of Silence

Released:  2010
Director:  Peter Werner
Producer:  Ted Bauman
Writers:  BD Young, Edith Swenson, Teena Booth
Main Actors:  Charlie McDermott, Greg Grunberg

Overall Rating:  * * 1/2

Story Line:  * * *
Acting:  * *
Directing:  * *

Okay, so I watched this on Lifetime Movie Network.  What?!  I'm a woman at home doing laundry on a Sunday night and I fit their demographic.  I'm doing my job to help keep their market analysts employed and... and... well... I support the 'arts'.

It was actually a pretty decent movie.  I'd recommend it to anyone who can't figure out what to watch on a weeknight and are in the mood for a mildly interesting movie or if you're home sick and doing the 'lie on the couch all day watching TV' thing cause your nose decided to run a marathon. 

The movie was based on true events, which is somewhat disturbing.   Drunk teenagers kill a guy cause they are totally wasted at a huge New Year's Eve party.  The guy was just going over to try to settle them down a bit.  Lesson learned:  Don't try to be a nice neighbor and address things yourself. Just call the cops.  (If you couldn't sense any sarcasm in this statement, there is, just a little)

So the drunk teenagers clam up and make a pact not to tell anyone what really happened.  Then the town gets all in an uproar cause the dead guy's wife wants to find the murders and files a  law suit against the clam kids, who of course are good kids.  Another lesson learned:  Never accuse the high school football hero of anything with a negative connotation his senior year. 

As far as predictability goes, it was a little predictable, but I was expecting that.  I think predictability was something that is not a strong review point for this, so I'm not going to say anything else about the subject.  There was a bit of predictability in... oh... nevermind...

Favorite Quote of the Movie:  "You wanna find closure in the justice system?  You won't."

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