Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scream 4

Released:  2011
Director:  Wes Craven
Producer:  Wes Craven; Iya Labunka
Writer:  Kevin Williamson
Main Actors:  Neve Campbell; David Arquette; Courteney Cox; Hayden Panettiere; Emma Roberts

Overall Rating:  *  *  *
(scale is 1 to 4 with 4 being highest)

Entertainment Value:  * * *.5
Acting:  * * .5
Directing:  * * *
Story Line:  * *

I got to go to the movies!!!  The actual movie theater!!! I have to admit, my excitement about actually going to a movie theater to see a fairly new release may have impacted this review.  I enjoy going to the 'cinema', but it is much more expensive than watching a movie on cable or renting a DVD.  This is why a lot of my reviews aren't of shiny new, just released movies.

But that isn't why you're reading this now is it?  Let's get to what you came for, a movie review by someone you know. 

I was engaged in the entire movie, which is pretty important.  I hate being bored while watching a movie - checking the time to see how much longer it's going to be til it's over.  That is a sure sign of a 'not so good' review from me. 

The story line was funny, but really far fetched.   Not that I would expect a horror movie like Scream to stick to realism, but, well, I just can't give it above a 2 for it.  I wasn't even remotely buying it.

As far as horror movies go, I recommend this one.  It's been ages since I've seen the first three Screams.  I really wish I had seen them recently before seeing this one, but I think I enjoyed Scream 4 more than Scream 2 and 3. 

Favorite Line:  "Your lemon bars taste like ass."

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Released:  2006
Writer and Director:  Dan Reed
Producers:  Damian Jones;  Kevin Loader
Main Actors:  Gillian Anderson;  Danny Dyer

Overall Rating:  *  *  *
(on a scale of 1 to 4)

Entertainment Value:  *  *  *
Directing:  * * *
Acting:  * * * .5
Story Line:  * *

Summery:  A couple gets jumped by bad guys in the woods - couple survives - they get pissed - they take their vengeance. 

First off, this is NOT a movie for children.  It is violent and, well, there are 'naughty' things in it.  I'm not a big fan of movies with that kinda stuff, but it was essential to the plot.  I had to see this movie because Gillian Anderson is in it.  I suppose I didn't HAVE to see it, but come on, Dana Scully rocks.  I think she is a good actress and I enjoy seeing her in other roles. 

The production design of the film was done well.  There were some really good shots in the movie.  You were pulled into the torment these two people had after being beaten and raped.  I cannot imagine the rage and pain they were going through, but the movie helped me too. 

I had to give the story line only two stars, mainly due to the things I mentioned in the second sentence of this posting.  I realize that having some of it did contribute to the film because it helped pull you in and showed the effects of a violent crime.  Some of it was a bit unnecessary though.  I think one showing of trouble in the bedroom after the crime happened is sufficient.  I get it already.  It's tragic and has long term affects.  It wasn't necessary to show it multiple times.  Those crazy Brits...

I do recommend this movie, but it is not a 'feel good, happy dance party' movie.  It's also strictly for grown ups. 

Favorite Scene:  Alice (Gillian Anderson) in her car after leaving her fathers.  She runs into horseback riders and the fear and realization that develops after seeing one of them is brilliant.  Well done Ms. Anderson.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bond of Silence

Released:  2010
Director:  Peter Werner
Producer:  Ted Bauman
Writers:  BD Young, Edith Swenson, Teena Booth
Main Actors:  Charlie McDermott, Greg Grunberg

Overall Rating:  * * 1/2

Story Line:  * * *
Acting:  * *
Directing:  * *

Okay, so I watched this on Lifetime Movie Network.  What?!  I'm a woman at home doing laundry on a Sunday night and I fit their demographic.  I'm doing my job to help keep their market analysts employed and... and... well... I support the 'arts'.

It was actually a pretty decent movie.  I'd recommend it to anyone who can't figure out what to watch on a weeknight and are in the mood for a mildly interesting movie or if you're home sick and doing the 'lie on the couch all day watching TV' thing cause your nose decided to run a marathon. 

The movie was based on true events, which is somewhat disturbing.   Drunk teenagers kill a guy cause they are totally wasted at a huge New Year's Eve party.  The guy was just going over to try to settle them down a bit.  Lesson learned:  Don't try to be a nice neighbor and address things yourself. Just call the cops.  (If you couldn't sense any sarcasm in this statement, there is, just a little)

So the drunk teenagers clam up and make a pact not to tell anyone what really happened.  Then the town gets all in an uproar cause the dead guy's wife wants to find the murders and files a  law suit against the clam kids, who of course are good kids.  Another lesson learned:  Never accuse the high school football hero of anything with a negative connotation his senior year. 

As far as predictability goes, it was a little predictable, but I was expecting that.  I think predictability was something that is not a strong review point for this, so I'm not going to say anything else about the subject.  There was a bit of predictability in... oh... nevermind...

Favorite Quote of the Movie:  "You wanna find closure in the justice system?  You won't."