Sunday, January 28, 2018


Released:  2017

Number of Ginger Snaps:  8 of 10

8 of 10 Ginger Snaps 

Director:  Michael Apted

Writer:  Peter O'Brien

Producers:  Claudia Bluemhuber, Georgina Townsley

Main Actors:  Noomi Rapace, Orlando Bloom, Toni Collette

Favorite Character

Yeah, yeah, so I haven't posted a review in forever.  2017 was a crazy year, so I'm way behind.  But rest assured, those of you who like my reviews will be seeing more this year.

Now for the review... there were gun fights and some hand to hand combat, so it was right up my preferred alley.  The female character was a bit too emotional at first, but she ended the movie being a total badass (also right up my preferred alley).

I do admit that it took a bit of time to understand what was going on.  It kept me engaged cause I kept trying to figure out who the bad guys were.  There were a couple things that you could easily see coming cause Hollywood tends to use the same kinda clues over and over again.  Despite that, I really did enjoy the movie.  If you want to see an action flick, I recommend this one.

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