Monday, June 1, 2015

The Imitation Game

Release:  2014

Number of Ginger Snaps:  9 out of 10

9 out of 10 ginger snaps 

Director:  Morten Tyldum

Writers:  Graham Moore, Andrew Hodges

Producers:  Nora Grossman, Ido Ostrowsky, Teddy Schwartzman

Main Actors:  Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode

Favorite Character
Stewart Menzies

Favorite Quote
"I know it's not  ordinary.  But who ever loved ordinary?" - Joan

Wow.  Just Wow.  I'm actually reading a SciFi book right now, Cryptonomicon by Neal Stevenson (thanks to my hubby), which includes this movie's character.  Alan Turing was a real person who was pivotal in decrypting the Nazi's Enigma machine and the start of digital computing.  This movie was based on his life.

Benedict Cumberbatch portrayed Turing brilliantly.  His characterization was just as I pictured while reading Crytonomicon.  I still get willies thinking about the decisions that man had to make.  The film captured the turmoil, secrecy, and genius of the people involved in WWII decoding.

I liked the directing choices Tyldum made.  He portrayed the time period well.

I really don't know what else to say.  Turing was totally and utterly brilliant.  All I could say after watching the movie was "How???  HOW??? How does that happen????  How can someone think that into existence!?!".

Oh - and I do recommend Crytonomicon - it's brilliant too.

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