Sunday, January 26, 2014

White House Down

Released:  2013

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Roland Emmerich
Writer:  James Vanderbilt
Producer: Harald Kloser, Roland Emmerich, James Vanderbilt
Main Actors:  Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal

Directing:  *  * 
Story:  *  *  
Predictability:  *  *  
Acting:  *  * 
Entertainment Value:  *  *  * 

Jamie Foxx, your portrayal of an American President SUCKED!!!!  I'm hoping that was due to bad direction.  I was so friggin annoyed with your character.  I mean really, really annoyed.

So, now that my primary pet peeve with this movie has been announced, I will move on.  Channing Tatum, you are hot, but acting... not so hot.  I just want to see you in movies like Magic Mike okay?  Okay.

Seriously, the movie started off pretty poorly.  It did get better and I ended up being entertained.  It had guns and explosions and stuff, so of course I had to watch the whole thing.  The movie seemed to be done using the basic Hollywood script for action films.  Pretty formulaic.

FYI people:  Money is housed and distributed at each Federal Reserve Bank - there are 12 of them.  Washington DC is where the Board of Governors is, NOT the FRBs.  So, when the movie talked about the money being moved out of the Federal Reserve - not realistic.  And there are billions of dollars in the FRB vaults, not millions.

Okay - I'm off my high horse.  I only recommend this movie if you want a no brainer, don't have to think, watch things go crazy movie experience.

Favorite Scene:  The car chase on the White House lawn.  That was pretty amusing.

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