Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chernobyl Diaries

Released:  2012

(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Bradley Parker
Writer:  Oren Peli
Producers:  Oren Peli; Brian Witten
Main Actors:  Jonathan Sadowski; Devin Kelley; Olivia Dudley

Entertainment Value: *  *  * 
Plot / Story Line:  *  *
Predictability:  *
Acting:  *  * 
Directing:  *  * 

Ummm... what can I say about this movie.... using one word... Humdrum.  Yes, humdrum.  It was so formula-istic!  Spell check says formula-istic isn't a word, but I'm making it one now.  Formula-istic!  Take that spell check. 

Back to the movie... it was okay.  I was engaged and wanted to keep watching, but the story line was so 'normal' for a horror film.  Young, pretty adults make bad decision, get lost in the woods and die.  The only difference is that the woods were in Russia and the villains were mutants. 

There was one part that made no sense and I think they just through it in there cause it is something that is normally put into horror films.  If you watch it, I think you'll know which part I'm referring to. 

Final Recommendation:  Rent it when it comes out on DVD.  It is worth watching if you like horror films cause it did keep you in the movie, but if your not into that type of thing, skip it.  

Favorite Scene:  The bear - I love randomness. 


  1. Every review I read of this film says something like humdrum.

    FYI: If you would like an easy-to-read look at the real Chernobyl tragedy (who wouldn't?), there are a few chapters in my novel "Rad Decision" which tell the story in a way that allows a lay person to folllow along and understand what the real problems were. The book is free online (no advertisements or sponsors) at , with the Chernobyl section linked at the homepage. I work in the US nuclear industry, which I suppose gives me some credibility for explaining this.
