Friday, April 27, 2012

The Raven

Released:  2012

OVERALL SCORE:  *  *  * 
(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  James McTelgue
Writers:  Ben Livingston, Hannah Shakespeare
Producer:  Marc D Evans, Trevor Macy, Aaron Ryder
Main Actors:  John Cusack, Luke Evans, Alice Eve

Acting:  * * * 
Directing:  * * * 
Predictability:  * * * .5
Plot:  * * * 
Suspense:  * * * .5
Overall Entertainment Value:  * * *

I really enjoyed this movie.  While I can't say that it was the best movie I have ever seen, I am glad I went and saw it in the movie theater.  And, no, it has nothing to do with the fact that I was in Murders at the Rue Morgue at PST at the beginning of the year! 

Seriously, it was well done.  John Cusack in a cape riding a horse = brilliant!  Oh John... I still want my $2 (come on, I HAD to go there!). 

There was one actor that I thought was pretty bad, but I won't mention names.  Luckily, he did not have a big part. 

I did like the production design of the film.  It had just the right amount of macabre that would be necessary for a movie about Edgar Allen Poe.  It looked a bit more like London then Baltimore, but then again, for the mid 1800s, I guess it was accurate. 

See this movie.  All the cool people are. 

Favorite Scene:  The bar at the beginning. 

Favorite Quote:  What twat did you put in place of my review?  (or something close to that - but he definitely used the word "twat" and that makes me giggle.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods

Released:  April 13, 2012

OVERALL RATING:  *  *  *  
(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  Drew Goddard
Writers:  Drew Goddard, Joss Whedon
Producer:  Joss Whedon
Main Actors:  Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Fran Kranz

Directing:  * * * 
Acting:  * * * 
Story Line:  * * 
Predictability:  * * * * 
Entertainment Value:  * * *

I knew I had seen Fran Kranz in something!  Duh!  Dollhouse!  Spastic man on that show. 

Anyway, I did enjoy this movie.  It was NOT predictable at all, which I love.  Keep me guessing movie makers!  I especially enjoyed parts being played by actors in past Joss Whedon creations (Angel - Amy Acker, Buffy - Tom Lenk).

I do have to admit that the reason I can't give this 4 stars is, cause, well... it was basically a horror film.  It was a very funny horror film mind you, but the script was a little on the "I'm writing this while on drugs so it will be funny but not Oscar winning" side.  

All in all, I highly recommend this movie.  You will laugh, be grossed out, be a little scared, and enjoy the randomness of it all - look for the unicorn. 

Favorite Quotes: 
"Zombie Redneck Torture Family is completely different"
"I'm gonna go read a book with pictures"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Muppets

Released:  2011

OVERALL RATING:  *  *  *  .5
(on a scale of 1 to 4 - 4 being best)

Director:  James Bobin
Writers:  Jason Segal, Nicholas Stoller, Jim Henson
Producers:  David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman
Main Actors:  Jason Segal, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Rashida Jones

Directing:  * * *
Acting:  * * *
Predictability:  * *
Entertainment Value:  * * * *
Feel Good Factor:  * * * *

Yeah, yeah... I finally saw this.  I REALLY wanted to see this when it was in the theater, but I was dating and... well... back to the movie rating.

I loved it!  I absolutely loved it!  The story line was not what I was expecting, but it worked.  I think they really geared the movie to people my age.  It was about remembering a wonderful part of your childhood and reviving it.  Even the ending was predictable, I don't see how you couldn't feel good after seeing this. 

Favorite Scene:  Mary in the diner singing and dancing (Table for 1)

Favorite Quote:  No drums! No drums!  Jack Black said no drums! - Animal