Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Crazies

Released: 2010

Director:  Breck Eisner
Producer:  Rob Cowan
Writers:  Scott Kosar and Ray Wright
Main Actors:  Timothy Olyphant; Radha Mitchell; Joe Anderson

Overall Rating:  *  *  *  
(scale is 1 to 4)

Entertainment Value:  *  *  *
Acting:  *  *  * 
Directing:  *  *  *
Predictability Factor:  *  *  1/2
(the higher the value, the less predictable)
Cinematography:  *  *  *  1/2

Story Line:  *  *  *

I really enjoyed this movie.  From the beginning, I was engaged and totally into the film.  The suspense that was kept throughout the movie was great.

There were some excellent camera shots.  I like the lake scene where they panned out from directly above the boat to revile the plane under the water. 

The overall story line was not unique, but it had some really good details that made it worth seeing.  It is something that could really happen, which makes it even better - more 'scary' and 'suspenseful'.  I do not envy people who would have to make some very difficult decisions if something similar really were to occur.

The makeup was well done.  It would have been easy to go the 'zombie' route, but they managed to avoid that. 

Favorite Scene:  The carwash

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