Monday, February 19, 2018

Kong: Skull Island

Released:  2017

Number of Ginger Snaps:  6 out of 10

Director:  Jordan Vogt-Roberts

Producers:  Alex Garcia, Jon Jashni, Mary Parent

Writers:  John Gatins, Dan Gilroy

Main Actors:  Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson

Favorite Quote:  Is that a monkey?

Spoiler Alert!  Don't read if you don't want details on this movie.

I have to admit, I thought this would be a really bad movie.  It wasn't great mind you, but it was not as bad as I was fearing.  I'm not sure why I thought it would be bad.  Maybe because the general story has been done before - big monkey threatens lives, girl bonds with big monkey, people start to like said monkey, then other people try to kill monkey, monkey ends up safe and sound.

Stuff did blow up - a lot.  I did like that part.  It was a slightly different twist on the general story (see above), but I just can't give it higher than an average rating as it just wasn't that great.  The special effects were good, the acting was okay, but the script and plot could have used a little help.  Also, the lizard guys were not that threatening.  I mean come on, they only had 2 legs and I had a hard time believing that Kong couldn't just grab it's tail and end it.

Overall, if you are bored and want to watch this kind of movie, go for it.