Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Martian

Released:  2015

8 Out of 10 Ginger Snaps 

Number of Ginger Snaps: 8 of 10

Director:  Ridley Scott

Writers:  Drew Goddard (screenplay), Andy Weir (book)

Producers:  Mark Huffam, Simon Kinberg, Michael Schaefer, Ridley Scott

Main Actors:  Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Chitwetel Ejiofor

Favorite Character
Rich Purnell (from the movie version)
Mindy Park (from the book)

Favorite Line
Rich Purnell is a steely-eyed missile man! (from the movie)
How come Aquaman can control whales?  They're mammals!  Makes no sense.  (from the book)

This is one of the few movies I've seen where I read the book first, then saw the film.  It was an extremely good portrayal of the book.  It did leave out a lot, but that is to be expected.  What they did include was well done and spot on.

I do wish they had done more with the Mindy Park and Rich Purnell characters.  They were a bit more developed in the book.  The actors portrayed them well, but I would have liked them to have had more screen time.  Oh well, there are only so many things you can do in 2 hours.

The acting was very good.  I wasn't sure how Matt Damon would do - I mean, I know he's a good actor, but you know how reading the book before seeing the movie kinda sets you into your own version of the characters.  Matt portrayed Watney very closely to how I imagined Watney would be.

If you read everything up to now, you probably figured I am going to recommend the movie - you're right.  It has earned a Ginger Snap "see this film" rating.

Oh - and I want to go to Hermes so I can float around and slide into other sections of the station.  Just saying...