Sunday, January 31, 2016


Released:  2015

8 Out of 10 Ginger Snaps 

Number of Ginger Snaps:  8 of 10
Director:   Paul Feig

Writer:   Paul Feig

Producer:  Peter Chernin, Paul Feig,  Jessie Henderson

Main Actors:   Jude Law,  Melissa McCarthy,  Rose Byrne

Favorite Character
Rick Ford

Favorite Quote
I'm immune to 179 different types of poison.  I know because I ingested them all at once when I was deep undercover in an underground poison-ingesting crime ring.  - Rick Ford

Very enjoyable funny movie.  I laughed a lot.  And there were gun fights, explosions, and car crashes.   Right up my happy movie experience ally.

Rick Ford was the best character.  Granted, I do really like Jason Statham (cause he's hot and badass), but he was really funny.  Statham was awesome in the role.   Due to the appreciation I have of his badassness, I recommend the move.  It will make you laugh.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Hateful Eight

Released:  December 25, 2015

8 Out of 10 Ginger Snaps 

Number of Ginger Snaps:  8 of 10
Director:  Quentin Tarantino

Writer:  Quentin Tarantino

Producers:  Richard Gladstein, Shannon McIntosh, Stacey Sher

Main Actors:  Samuel L Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh

Favorite Character
Oswaldo Mobray

Favorite Quote
"That door is a whore"

It was definitely Tarantino - blood and guts and gross icky stuff.  I liked it.  The story line was intriguing and kept me engaged.  I wasn't sure who was bad and who was good, which is a sign of a good movie.

An aspect that interested me was the music.  It was an original score and really added to the film.  I guess that should be a given, but I took note of it more in this movie than in others.  It was well 'positioned' I guess would be a good way to describe it.

The characters are always interesting in Tarantino films.  I love the dynamics of the characters in this movie especially.  I think it was the fact that some of them behaved very differently at the end than you would have thought at the beginning.

I recommend this movie for grown ups only.  And not right after you eat a big meal containing meat.  Just saying...