Sunday, April 14, 2013

Assassin's Bullet

Released:  2012

(on a scale of 1 to 4)

Director:  Issac Florentine
Writer:  Hans Feuersinger
Producer:  David E. Ornston
Main Actors:  Christian Slater, Donald Sutherland, Elika Portnoy

Directing:  *
Acting:  *  *  *
Predictability:  *  *  
Plot:  *  *  *
Entertainment Value:  *  *

Why I had high hopes for this movie, I'm not sure.  Oh right - guns, action, suspense.  I thought it would have a lot of those things.  It wasn't horrible or anything, just somewhat mediocre.  I wouldn't recommend it unless you're board out of your mind and nothing is on TV.

The story had so much potential, but I think they just missed the mark on making it good.  There were just really dumb things in the script.  It also needed way more action and less of that lovey dovey stuff.  In addition, the ending was just odd.  It left me thinking "What the @#%@!?".

The directing was not good at all.  The camera choices were lame - they keep using the circle around the actor deal.  The first time, okay, but they did it too much.  If I notice camera work during the film, it isn't good.  There were a couple scenes that needed more extras.  It just looked off.

I do think the actor's did a decent job with what they had.  I do think highly of Donald Sutherland, but his role was not in the movie much.  I would have liked to have seen more of him.