Monday, January 31, 2011

Mega Python vs. Gatoroid

Released:  2011

Producers:  Tiffany, Debbie Gibson
Main Actors:  Tiffany, Debbie Gibson

Overall Rating:  *

Okay, I had to give it one star cause, well, it's Tiffany and Debbie Gibson and my early teen memories won't let me give it less than that.  It had some funny moments - like when they'd say a line that was one of their songs.  Props to them for being able to make fun of themselves. 

As far as the 'film', it was pretty much what I thought it would be - a bad sci fi movie.  Don't get me wrong, I have this sick illness that compels me to watch bad Syfy movies on weekends, so I can fully appreciate this movie for what it is.  It was poorly acted, had a horrendous script, and used props that didn't make any sense.  Yes, I noted props.  Not a good kinda props either.  Tiffany's laptop in the ranger station was HUGE and made no sense.  And Debbie Gibson using a hug laptop but looking at a large TV?  WTF?!  It was just silly looking. 

I do have to admit that I appreciate the male eye candy they cast.  There were some very nice biceps in the movie.  Thanks for that girls!  And they did have a Cessna - another good point.  Oh, and I did learn that gators like steroids. Go figure!

All in all, if you want to watch bad sci-fi AND have a few laughs, watch this movie.  I think it is on again Thursday night (it's Syfy after all - rerun again and again).

Favorite Line:  "We need a bigger Gator!"